Saturday, March 31, 2018

A DAM Sad Sight To See

Since the last time I have visited, the Denver Art Museum has leveled the building that connects the north wing (the Ponte Building) with the south wing (the Hamilton Building), as the museum begins a two year renovation, as seen in the before and after photographs above. Excuse me if I shed a tear, but the part of the building which is now rubble is where the free buffet table was located during Final Friday events at the museum, not to mention the location of the restaurant that provided the food.  Call me a traditionalist, but I have found my interest in art waning considerably since the elimination of that free buffet table.  This waning interest might also have to do with the fact that the exhibits have not changed one iota since my last few visits: Linking Asia: Art, Trade and Devotion, Stampede (Animals in Art), and Degas, A Passion For Perfection are all still there. With the exception of Degas, these exhibits are simply art work that was previously on display in the now closed Ponte Building.  Last night I decided to walk through the Linking Asia exhibit again, which is really very good, but how many more times can you look at it before you say enough?  The Degas exhibit will of course be wonderful to see, but they charge actual money for that one, and I am waiting to see that exhibit when my sister Susan and brother-in-law George are well enough to attend.  And as for the food issue, one more thing.  The museum arranged for a food truck to park outside, and provided runners to bring the tacos to the lobby for you.  You would actually have to pay money for that, and tip, too. Not quite the same, Denver Art Museum, not quite the same.

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