Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hurricane Warning

Hurricane Matthew is bearing down on the Treasure Coast of Florida, which includes Stuart, Florida, where the condo my sister and I inherited from our mother is located.  Matthew is a really bad storm, and I can only hope and pray that it stays out to sea and doesn't strike land.  Back in 2005, three hurricanes hit Stuart and did tremendous damage, including to Stuart's Bathtub Beach, where the photograph above of my mother and I was taken. It was called Bathtub Beach because it was ringed by reefs that protected the area from the ocean waves, thus making it popular for families with young children.  Those hurricanes completely destroyed the reefs.  My mother was down there for two of those three hurricanes, which made it a tremendous worry for us.  My heart is with the people down there and their friends and relatives who are concerned about them  Let's hope for the best.

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