Sunday, October 30, 2016

What Makes Denver So Haunted?

On the eve of Halloween, I have to wonder why there are so many ghosts rumored to inhabit Denver.  Is it because the city's cemeteries were emptied (but only partially and in a very unrespectful way) to make room for parks, or is because of all the Victorian houses located in the city?  Denver grew by leaps and bounds in the1880s and 1890s, and thus the city is filled with houses from that era.  Nothing makes for a good ghost story like a Victorian mansion.  I took the above photograph of the Grant Humphries Mansion during a recent bike ride  Not only does it sit on the site of a former cemetery, but Mr. Humphries was killed there around the early 20h century.  The death was ruled either a suicide or an accident, but many believed it was murder.  His personal nurse disappeared right after the shooting, which is of course very suspicious.  The house is now owned by a non-profit group that rents it out for weddings and other events.  A number of brides have reported primping in the mansion's mirrors and finding Mr. Humphries starring right back at them.  Scary.  Or perhaps just pre-wedding jitters.

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